Group members

Marina Astitha

Associate Professor

School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Connecticut
261 Glenbrook Road, Storrs, CT, 06269-3037

Phone: 860-486-3941
Fax: 860-486-2298


NCAR/RAL Affiliate Scientist


Tasnim Zaman (08/2019-pres)

Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn
B.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2017
Office: 318 Bronwell Bldg, Storrs

Email: tasnim.zaman ‘at’

Dr. Ummul Khaira (10/24-10/25)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, UConn
B.Sc. Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2016
Office: tbd

Email: ummul.khaira ‘at’



Israt Jahan (08/2020-pres)

Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn
B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2017
Office: 318 Bronwell Bldg, Storrs

Email: israt.jahan ‘at’

Lais DaSilva (08/2022-pres)

MS candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn
B.Sc. Environmental Engineering, University of Connecticut, 2021
Office: 318 Bronwell Bldg, Storrs

Email: lais.dasilva ‘at’

Brian Filipiak (01/2023-pres)

Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn

(co-advised by Dr. Astitha and Dr. Cerrai)
Office: 212 Innovation Partnership Bldg, Storrs

Email: brian.filipiak ‘at’





Fatemeh Azizpourshoubi (08/2024-pres)

Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn

M.S. in Environmental Engineering Babol Noushirvani University of Technology

B.S. in Civil Engineering Babol Noushirvani University of Technology
Office: 318 Bronwell Bldg, Storrs

Email: fazizpour ‘at’

  Charlotte Cabral (02/2024-pres)

B.Sc candidate in Environmental Engineering, UConn
Class of 2027
Email: charlotte.cabral ‘at’


Past graduate students

Dr. Ummul Khaira (08/2019-08/2024), Ph.D. Environmental Engineering. Dissertation Title: “On the prediction of extreme weather events for the NE US using NWP and machine learning: tropical storms and winter weather”. Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, CEE, UConn.

Dr. Christina Feng Chang (08/2017-08/2022), Ph.D. Environmental Engineering. Dissertation Title: “On the Development of a Novel Methodology to Assess and Predict Water Quality Indicators by Linking Multi-Media Models and Machine Learning“. Currently: Environmental Engineer at US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NC.

Michael S. Walters (08/2017-08/2020), MS Environmental Engineering; Thesis title: “Evaluation of Winter Weather Prediction during Extreme Snowfall Events and an Analysis on Wind Gust Prediction for Non-Convective Rain and Wind Events“.

Dr. Huiying Luo (08/2014-11/2019), Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Dissertation Title: “Interpreting the Information Embedded in Observed and Modeled Air Quality Time Series and Using Regional Air Quality Models for Regulatory Policies“. Currently: NOAA Global Systems Laboratory, Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO.

Dr. Jaemo Yang (08/2013-08/2018), Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Dissertation Title: “Improvement of storm wind-speed prediction for the northeast United States”. Currently: Researcher at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), CO.

Alexander Samalot (08/2014-04/2017), MS Environmental Engineering. Thesis title:  “Combined Universal Kriging and Kalman Filter Techniques to Improve Wind Speed Prediction for the Northeastern United States”. Environmental Consultant at Whitestone Associates, Inc.

Ghezae Fisseha (08/2015-05/2018), MS Environmental Engineering (plan B).