Our group at AMS 2024

Please see the LinkedIn posts with lots of photos!



Huiying’s PhD defense

Huiying successfully defended her PhD dissertation last Friday (7.19) and is now a proud Dr. of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering! Hard work, patience and perseverance through the toughest of times led to the well-deserved  PhD degree. Congratulations!!

Special Issue in Remote Sensing journal

The Special Issue “Weather Forecasting and Modeling Using Satellite Data” aims to bring together current state-of-the-art research about the use of geostationary and/or polar orbiting satellite data in weather prediction from short-term to sub-seasonal and seasonal scales. Weather prediction can refer to deterministic or probabilistic frameworks with single or multi-model ensembles that utilize satellite data and/or develop new techniques to integrate the two and improve weather forecasts. Research related to the above topics will be considered for publication in Remote Sensing under the Special Issue.


See more information here: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/weather_forecast